
Monday, 30 August 2010

홈페이지 D 100 홍보대사김연아멘트

홈페이지 D 100 홍보대사한효주멘트

홈페이지 D 100 홍보대사박지성멘트

Βασιλισσα του πατιναζ- Κιμ Υουν Α

Επιτροπή Κορέα είναι έτοιμη να G20 '10 Χειμερινούς Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες των γυναικών ξεχωρίζει πατινάζ πρωταθλητές, σκέιτερ πρωταθλητής και '09 παγκόσμια πρωταθλήματα στη Σεούλ στις 28 Ιουλίου διορίστηκε ως Πρέσβυς της συνόδου κορυφής του G20.

Η Κιμ Νοέμβριος 11, 12 διήμερη σύνοδος κορυφής της G20 που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Σεούλ, ως ενεργό μέλος της Πρέσβυς Καλής Θελήσεως της Δημοκρατίας της Κορέας και εξαπλώθηκε σε όλο τον κόσμο να ενημερώσει, να προσελκύσει τους ανθρώπους για τη σημασία της Συνόδου Κορυφής της G20 στη Σεούλ θα κοινοποιηθεί.

Ο Βασιλιας της μπαλας Παρκ- Γινεται πρεσβης του G-20

Στις 28η Ιουλιου Νότια Κορέα G20 προπαρασκευαστικής επιτροπής στο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο του 2010 στην πρώτη εθνική εκστρατεία τους για την επίτευξη 16 River Park που έφερε ελπίδα στους παίκτες, η σύνοδος κορυφής της G20 στο Σεούλ διορίστηκε ως Πρέσβυς Καλής Θελήσεως της.

Ο Πάρκ ερχόμεται τον Νοέμβριο 11, 12, KAIST, Σεούλ του G20 που θα πραγματοποιηθεί ως πρεσβευτής καλής θέλησης της Δημοκρατίας της Κορέας στην παγκόσμια ευρεία δημοσιότητα και για τους υπηκόους του κράτους μέλους υποδοχής της συνόδου κορυφής της G20 στη Σεούλ για να γνωρίζουν την έννοια της εθελοντικής συμμετοχής για τους επιτυχίας σχεδιάζει να οδηγήσει.

Πρεσβευτές και εκπρόσωποι Star G20 Κορέα

Το G20 Θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 11 Νοεμβριου σύνοδο κορυφής της G20 στη Σεούλ, ο Πρέσβης Χαν είναι μια μη σταματήσει το δράμα έκανε το ντεμπούτο.

Στεφθεί στο '10 της εικόνα ως μια προσωπικότητα, και τώρα όλο και περισσότερο αερίζεται MBC δράμα «αυγή» και για την κατασκευή μιας εικόνας μέσω της εταιρείας καταπιστευτικής διαχείρισης και του διαφημιζόμενου, η υπηρεσία διαφημίσεων, η εμπιστοσύνη των καταναλωτών, καθώς και παίρνω όλα επάνω τον Ιούλιο του '10 την 28η σύνοδο κορυφής της G20 στη Σεούλ, διορίστηκε ως Πρέσβυς Καλής Θελήσεως της.

Το G-20 στο COEX- Τι μπορειται να κανεται στο COEX

1. Φαγητα : 4000㎡ απο φαγητα, εστιατορια και καφεταιριες.

2. Μουσειο με θαλασσινα

3. Το νουμερο 1 απο σινεμα

4. Μουσειο Κιμτσι οπου διαφημιζει την Κορεα

5. Που κυμαίνονται από 200 έως 10.000 και ο τεράστιος όγκος των βιβλίων, βάσεων δεδομένων, την ανάγνωση, ανάπαυλα, με τους πελάτες της να παρέχει τις καλύτερες υπηρεσίες και βιβλιοπωλείο

6. Αγορές για μια λογική πρόταση που απευθύνεται στους νέους στο COEX Mall πλατείa.

Ιστορια του COEX

Ιστορία Ευρώπης 2010 Διεθνή Έκθεση - το παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ της συνεδρίασης

Ιστορία της Παγκόσμιας Πολιτιστικής και εκπρόσωποι από όλη τη χώρα για να παρουσιάζουν μια καταγραφή των πληροφοριών ποινικού ιστορικού, πολιτιστικού προώθηση και την αν Η 23η Κορέα International Travel FairΣτη χώρα με τη μεγαλύτερη ιστορία και την υψηλότερη αξιοπιστία Έκθεση Τουρισμού

2010 Ανταγωνισμός - ελπίδα να δημιουργηθεί μια γη που προορίζεται για τη μελλοντική θαλάσσια

Χώρες και θα δημιουργήσει νέες μηχανές της ανάπτυξης για την ανάπτυξη της πράσινης τεχνολογίας, Μεταφορών και Θαλάσσιων Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας της Ε & Α της αριστείας και την προώθηση των εκθέσεων και εκδηλώσεων

2010 Διεθνείς Ασφάλεια & Υγεία Έκθεση

Προαγωγή της επαγγελματικής ασφάλειας και του πολιτισμού για την υγεία, την ατμόσφαιρα, τη διάδοση. Στην Επαγγελματική Ασφάλεια και Υγεία "βραχίονας" για τη σύνθεση της Ασφάλειας και Υγιεινής εκδηλώσεις Εβδομάδα προβάλλοντας

Τα μαγαζια μεσα στο COEX

Τον Νοεμβριο το G20 θα διοργανωθει στο COEX οπου βρισκεται στιν Σεουλ. Διοργανωνεται στο COEX Kangnam 159 οπου ειναι μαζι με την πρασινη σιδιροδρομικη γραμμη. Μεσα στο COEX βρισκεται πολυτελες ξενοδοχιο, καζινο, μολ και αλλα πολλα πραγματα. Διπλα στο COEX βρισκεται το Intercontinental και Hayatt ξενοδοχιο οπου ειναι τα απαρετυτα ξενοδοχια για μεγαλες εκδηλωσεις οπως το G20.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

G-20 Τοροντο, 100 εκ. δολαρια μονο για ασφαλεια

Στις 25, 26 και 27 Ιουνιου, για 3 ημερες διοργανοθηκε στο Τοροντο το G-20. 100 εκ. δολαρια χρησιμοποιησε για την ασφαλεια αυτης της εκδηλωσεις. Ομοσπονδιακής Αστυνομίας, της τοπικής αστυνομίας, VIP σωματοφύλακες και τα στρατεύματά της κινητοποιήθηκαν 180.000 ανθρώπους από τα μέσα ενημέρωσης.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Lee meets Obama

President Lee meets the U.S. President Obama in Pittsburgh where the G-20 economic meeting takes place.

Paying tribute to war dead

President Lee lays a wreath at the Korean War Memorial in Pittsburgh on Sep. 24 (local time), 2009 before attending the G-20 summit.

With Hines Ward

President Lee meets NFL player Hines Ward and representatives of Korean community in Pittsburgh on Sep. 24, 2009 (local time). President Lee is in the city on the occasion of the G-20 summit held there.

Arriving in Pittsburgh

Korean presidential couple arriving in Pittsburgh (right, descending from plane), Sep. 24, 2009 (local time) to attend the G-20 summit.

FoDP meeting

President Lee (left) attends the meeting of the Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FoDP) at a hotel in New York on Sep. 24, 2009 (local time) before heading to Pittsburgh to participate in the G-20 meeting.

Korea-Denmark Summit

Korean President Lee (right) and Denmark's Prime Minister Lars Rasmussen pose for a photo before a two-way summit takes place at the UN headquarters on Sep. 24, 2009 (New York time).

Korean President Lee Myung-bak (right in front) and Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama share thoughts on bilateral ties in New York on Sep. 23, 20

President Lee Myung-bak (right in center) and his Mongolian counterpart Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj talk during a summit on Sep. 23, 2009 (New York time).

Korea-Japan Summit

Korean President Lee Myung-bak (right in front) and Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama share thoughts on bilateral ties in New York on Sep. 23, 2009.

Cooking contest for Gyeonggi's agricultural products to be held

The Gyeonggi-do Agricultural & Extension Research Service will hold a national cooking contest for Gyeonggi's farm produce to publicize the superior quality of Gyeonggi's agricultural products.

The cooking contest, to be held on September 9 at the Gyeonggi-do Agricultural & Extension Research Service, invites not only locals but also foreigners to submit two or more top-quality dishes and at least one kind of food for commercialization. Fifty finalists who pass the documentation screening will compete with each other in the contest.

Giving key address

President Lee gives a key address at the United Nations General Assembly on Sep. 23, 2009 (New York time).

Korea-Canada summit

President Lee (left) and Prime Minister Stephen Harper talk during a Korea-Canada summit held on the sidelines of the UN Summit on Climate Change, Sep. 22, 2009 (local time).

Lee, Rudd co-chair a meeting

President Lee Myung-bak (right) and Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd preside over a round-table meeting at the UN Summit on Climate Change on Sep. 22, 2009.

World leaders at UN

President Lee, center, attends the opening ceremony for the Summit on Climate Change in New York on Sep. 22, 2009.

UN climate change meeting

UN Summit on Climate Change takes place at the UN headquarters in New York on Sep. 22. President Lee Myung-bak is to attend the G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh after the UN meeting.

Meeting Korean staff in NYC

The President encourages Korean staff members, including UN employees, in New York on Sep. 21, 2009 (local time). The presidential couple is in the United States on the occasion of the UN General Assembly meeting and G-20 summit.

Lee addresses joint luncheon

President Lee addresses people at a joint luncheon co-hosted by the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, the Korea Society and the Asia Society, in New York on Sep. 21, 2009 (local time). The President is in the city to attend the UN General Assembly meeting before going to Pittsburgh for the G-20 summit.

Lee meets Ban at UN

President Lee shakes hands with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the UN headquarters in New York on Sep. 21, 2009 (local time).

Lee's interview with NYT

Visiting Korean President Lee Myung-bak has an interview with the New York Times on Sep. 21, 2009 (local time).

Ban and Lee

President Lee (right) meets with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the latter's residence in New York on Sep. 20, 2009 (local time).

Arriving in New York

The presidential couple arrives at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York Sunday, Sep. 20, 2009 (local time) to attend the UN General Assembly meeting.

Leaving for UN, G-20 Summits

President Lee Myung-bak (right) and First Lady Kim Yoon-ok wave goodbye at Seoul Airport on Sep. 20, 2009. The President is scheduled to attend UN General Assembly meeting on Climate Change and the G-20 Financial Summit meeting.

U.S. ambassador bids goodbye

Kathleen Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Korea (3rd from left), bids goodbye to President Lee Myung-bak (center) and First Lady Kim Yoon-ok who are leaving for the United States on Sep. 20, 2009.

Ambassadors for the G20 Seoul Summit

Actress Hyo-joo Han (l) and figure skater Yu-na Kim (r)

The Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit announced that Yu-na Kim, reigning world figure skating champion, Ji-sung Park, a well-known footballer playing in the English Premier League, and actress Hyo-joo Han have been chosen as ambassadors to represent the G20 Seoul Summit.

Gwangju prepares to host G20 Deputies’ Meeting

Gwangju City is in the final stages of preparation for successfully hosting a meeting of Deputy Finance Ministers from the G20 states.

The meeting will be held from the 4th to the 5th of September, at the Mudeung Park Hotel in Gwangju, and will be attended by 150 people, including deputy finance ministers from G20 member states, the vice-president of the central bank, as well as officials from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank (WB).

South Korea is current chair, and the G20 Advisory Committee has been taking steps to ensure readiness for the event. As part of this, since March this year, Gwangju Preparatory team has established and undertaken a plan to ready the city in terms of environment and public order, so that participants at the conference will see the beautiful and clean face of the city.

Key phrases for the G20 Summit revealed

The key phrases for the G-20 Financial Summit meeting have been disclosed. The Presidential Committee for the G-20 Seoul Summit explained that the new phrase “Shared Growth Beyond Crisis” reflects the main theme of the G-20 Summit, which aims to establish a framework for strong, sustainable balanced growth worldwide.

Join the ‘Rural-20 Supporters’ & travel Korea’s beautiful countryside!

The Rural-20 Project was launched by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MIFAFF) to introduce people to the scenic beauty and unique culture of Korea’s countryside. In anticipation of the G-20 Summit in November, IFAFF will be operating the ‘Rural-20 Supporters’ Project from August to November to give visitors and international residents a chance to explore the countryside.

The President Lee Myung-bak attends G20 plenary session at the Metro Toronto Convention Center in Toronto

G20 Financial Deputy Ministers and the Central Bank Governors Meeting (Incheon, Songdo)

G20 Pittsburgh Summit

President Lee takes off to New York)

G20 London Summit

summit meetings

G20 London Summit

President Lee attends summit dinnerG20

G20 London Summit

Bloomberg, AFP, Rueters Interview

President Lee meets Thomas J. Donohue, CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

G20 Washington Summit

President Lee briefs outcome of G20 summit

G20 Washington Summit

President Lee attends G20 summit

G20 Washington Summit

The President Lee Myung-bak attends a welcoming ceremony of the G20 Summit

Canada should take page out of South Korea's green playbook


Canada and South Korea may be co-chairing this year's G20 meeting in Toronto, but the two countries are worlds apart on their approach to greening the economy.

There was a time not so long ago when this might not have mattered to many people.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Korean Cultural Service Screens “Love, So Divine”

On Tuesday, July 12, the Korean Cultural Service screened “Love, So Divine” in its auditorium for an audience of about 30 people. The 2004 film stars heart throb Kwon Sang-woo as Kyu-shik, a young Catholic seminarian tempted by love. Just before he is to be ordained as a priest, he makes an embarrassing mistake during Mass. His friend Sun-dal (Kim In-kwon) trips forward, causing Kyu-shik to drop a chalice that was consecrated by the Pope himself. The pair is sent off to do penance at a small church in the countryside.

Adaptation of Korean Songs in the United States

The last featured article of the music section discussed the influence of American culture on Korean culture; particularly how Korean pop singers have adopted American songs and made them popular in Korea. However, as the Korean economy experienced spectacular growth in the past few decades, so did Korean culture.

Hip Hop in Korea

Through the people in the streets, the Television or radio, there is not a person in Korea that has not at least once heard the word “hip hop”. It is no longer a strange concept in Korea. Whether it be singers who imitate hip hop, underground hip hop groups performing in clubs, or newspapers that contain articles about hip hop, it is clear that there is much interest in Korea about the phenomenon of hip hop.

Korean Idol Serenades North Korea

At his concert “PIL & PEACE”, pop singer Cho Yong-pil confirmed rumors that he is planning to have a concert in North Korea later this summer. Cho Yong-pil is one of the most popular singers in Korea, and many label him as the “national singer” for his popularity.

North Korean Film Plays in South Korea

A North Korean feature film was screened at the outdoor plaza in front of City Hall in downtown Seoul on Friday. This is the first time that a North Korean film has ever had a public screening outdoors in South Korea.

Adaptation of American songs in Korea in 1970s

American culture has had a significant influence on global culture for decades. Everything about American entertainment, from Hollywood movies, sports, to music is popular around the world. Korea is no exception.